Black Currant Seed (Ribes nigrum) - Botanical Medicines

Black Currant Seed ( Ribes nigrum )

Black currant seeds are a rich source of gamma linolenic acid (GLAs), an Omega-6 essential fatty acid that is a critical precursor to series 1 prostaglandins and other important hormones. The PGE1 series prostaglandins along with the PGE3 series protect the body against the deleterious effects of PGE2 series prostaglandins, such as high blood pressure, sticky platelets, inflammation, water retention, and lowered immune function. Numerous clinical trials cited by R. Chapkin in a 1992 issue of Lipid suggest that black currant seed oil is effective in treating atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, eczema, multiple sclerosis, and PMS.

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