Caffeine's Effects on the Body - Drug Abuse and Addiction

Caffeine's Effects on the Body

Immune System Suppression. Overconsumption of caffeine (and alcohol) depresses the immune system, and increases risk of chronic disorders.

Depression. Caffeine intake increases the risk of depression in patients treated for psychiatric problems.

Heart Problems. Caffeine increases cholesterol levels, heart palpitations, and aggravates hypertension.

Cancer. Coffee contains many roasted hydrocarbons that may be potent carcinogens. Research has shown a correlation between overconsumption of caffeine (along with theophyline and theobromine) and fibrocystic breast disease and cancer of the bladder.

Blood Pressure. Caffeine raises blood pressure even when consumed in moderate amounts. One study of 6,321 adults demonstrated a small but statistically significant elevation in blood pressure when comparing those who drank five or more cups a day to non-coffee drinkers.

Smoking. Caffeine and alcohol consumption can lead to a dependence on nicotine.

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