Epilogue: The Future of Alternative Medicine - Introduction to the Second Edition

The rising costs of health care around the world and the public's demand for safer, less expensive medical therapies will produce in the next 50 years new medical treatments that more fully integrate the mind and body. The epilogue forecasts what alternative medicine will be like in the year 2050 and what new treatments might be available, including Super Foods, Utopian hospitals and hospital supermarkets, and holistic telemedicine.

One criticism shared by many people who find themselves dissatisfied with conventional medicine is that it tends to overlook the emotional and psychological aspects of healing. One reason alternative or “holistic” medicine has become increasingly popular is that it puts the human touch back into medical treatment. This approach is aptly summarized by Dr. Ed Weiss, who states: “I think it's being a human being, acting like a human being, being perceptive like a human being, and expressing love for your patient that leads to health. That's the most important thing holistic medicine should offer.”

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