Garlic (Allium sativum) - Botanical Medicines

Garlic ( Allium sativum )

Garlic has played an important medicinal role for centuries, according to Dr. J. Dausch of the National Cancer Institute. Writing in the May 1990 issue of Preventive Medicine , Dr. Dausch states: “It is now known that garlic contains chemical constituents with antibiotic, lipid-lowering, detoxification, and other medicinal effects in the body.”

Steven Foster in a 1991 monograph entitled Garlic , published by American Botanical Council, reports that garlic has been effectively used to prevent common colds and flus, intestinal worms, dysentery, sinus congestion, gout, rheumatism, and some ulcers.

Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide reports that garlic also has important cardiovascular benefits, including lowering blood pressure levels, thinning the blood, and reducing platelet aggregations which cause blood clots. It has been shown to strengthen the immune system by increasing natural killer cells' activity.

Recently published studies in China and Italy, cited by Dr. E. Dorant in the March 1993 issue of British Journal of Cancer , suggest that consuming garlic may also help prevent certain types of cancer tumors. Dr. Dorant emphasizes that the available evidence “warrants further research into the possible role of garlic in the prevention of cancer in humans.”

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