Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) - Botanical Medicines

Horsetail ( Equisetum arvense )

Horsetail grass is a plant made up of bunches of leafless tubular stems. The plant grows in moist soil and concentrated minerals, particularly silica. Its primary element, silica, is essential for growth and healing, being a major constituent of bones, cartilage, cognitive tissue, and skin. The degeneration of tissue with age corresponds with decreasing levels of silica in the tissue. Silicic acid also stimulates an increase in white blood cells, helping to increase resistance to infection. Horsetail grass has proven effective, according to Mowrey, in treating tuberculosis. A second major class of ingredients, the saponins, have a mild diuretic effect. Horsetail has been widely used for genitourinary problems, including inflammations, kidney stones, enuresis, nephritis, gout, and prostate problems.

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