Immunotoxins - Strengthening the Immune System


Newer chemicals are being released into the environment that are immunotoxic–that is, poisonous to the human immune system. Young children, whose immune systems are still in development, and persons with chronic illnesses such as asthma, are especially vulnerable. Unfortunately, one danger of these new immunotoxins is that scientists do not know their long-term effects.

Natural Protectors Against Lead

Dr. Steven Schecter, a leading authority on allergies, suggests that supplementing diets with the following vitamins and minerals can help the body combat daily lead exposure.

  • Optimal amounts of zinc, iron, and copper protect against the absorption of lead in the body.
  • Optimum levels of calcium prevent the absorption of lead into the intestinal tract. Deficiencies of calcium can result in higher lead levels in the blood, bones, and soft tissues.
  • Megadoses of vitamin B 1 (thiamin), along with a high potency whole B complex, may counteract lead poisoning.
  • Vitamin C neutralizes the toxic effects of lead, increases its elimination, and specifically protects muscle tissue from lead damage.
  • Several forms of fiber (particularly algin and pectin) are natural chelating agents–they attack the lead in the intestinal tract and eliminate it quickly from the body.

Scientists studying the immune system have identified more than two dozen immune-damaging chemicals, including sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide emitted from power plants and automobiles. The most dangerous immunotoxic chemicals are industrial gases which many people breathe every day. Inhaled gases readily find their way into the human bloodstream. Although the lungs are coated with cells that normally eliminate toxic particles, some pollutants (such as asbestos and silica) cannot be eliminated by the human body.

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