Radioactive Gases - Strengthening the Immune System

Radioactive Gases

Exposure to high concentrations of radioactive gases can also cause cancer. The most dangerous radioactive gas in the U.S. is radon, a naturally occurring gas that is contained in certain rocks (especially granite) and building materials such as concrete, bricks, and tiles. Radon is believed to be the second leading cause of lung cancer, resulting in 7,000–30,000 deaths annually, according to the EPA. Because several cities in the U.S. recently had radon scares, the EPA now advises people to contact their local authorities or enviornmental groups to determine if they live in a radon area. Since approximately 6% of American homes have elevated radon levels, it may be advisable for people who live in a radon area to assess the toxicity in their home by buying a radon detector.

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