Shiitake Mushrooms (Lentinus edodes) - Botanical Medicines

Shiitake Mushrooms ( Lentinus edodes )

The shiitake mushroom has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen immune resistance to disease. The Chinese regard shiitake mushrooms as one of the most beneficial botanical medicines. Chinese legends refer to it as a plant that gives eternal youth and longevity.

Shiitake mushrooms contain a polysaccharide complex, lentinan, which stimulates the production of T lymphocytes and macrophages, specifically interleukin. Interleukin (a compound that destroys cancer cells and viruses) and interferon are currently being tested as possible treatments for AIDS and other diseases of the immune system. Balch and Balch state in Prescription for Nutritional Healing that shiitake mushroom extracts have also been used effectively to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease, and to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Nutritionist Donald Brown writes in the April 1994 Townsend Letter for Doctors that an extract of Lentinus edodes has been shown to have marked antitumor activity, to suppress viral chemical and viral oncogenesis, and to prevent cancer recurrence (metastasis) after surgery. Results of clinical trials indicate that it prolongs the lifespan of patients with advanced and recurrent stomach, colorectal, and breast cancer with minimal side effects.

Lentinus edodes also increases resistance to several bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections. An extract of Lentinus edodes has been used to block the development of herpes simplex. Dr. S. Sarkar, writing in the April 1993 issue of Antiviral Research , suggests that Lentinus edodes mycelia (JLS-S001) may block the replication of the virus in late stages.

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