Vitamin B5 - Vitamins

Vitamin B 5

Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid) is another B vitamin essential for normal growth and development. It aids in the release of energy from foods and helps synthesize numerous body materials.

Vitamin B 5 is found in blue cheese, brewer's yeast, corn, eggs, lentils, liver, lobster, peanuts, peas, soybeans, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, whole-grain products, and meats of all kinds.

There are no known deficiency symptoms for vitamin B 5 alone. However, a deficiency in one B vitamin is usually associated with an overall lack of B nutrients. Pantothenic acid is usually given with other B vitamins if symptoms of any vitamin B deficiency exist, including excessive fatigue, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, and nausea. Anyone with inadequate caloric or nutritional dietary intake may be vitamin B 5 -deficient. Vitamin B 5 is recommended by physicians for people with a chronic wasting illness, those suffering excess stress for long periods, or those who have recently undergone surgery. Vitamin B 5 supplements are sometimes recommended for those who participate in vigorous physical activities, such as athletes and manual laborers. No RDA has been established for vitamin B 5 .

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