Vitamin Bl2 - Vitamins

Vitamin B l2

Vitamin B 12 maintains the health of all body cells. It also helps preserve nerve tissue and enhances blood formation and the production of DNA (which is found in the chromosomes of the nucleus of all cells) and RNA (which carries gene data from the nucleus to the cytoplasm).

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin B 12 (Cobalamin)

Infants (0–1 year) 0.4
Children (1–10 years) 1.0
Males (11–24 years) 2.0
Males (25–51 + years) 2.0
Females (11–24 years) 2.0
Females (25–51+years) 2.0
Pregnant Females 2.2
Breastfeeding Mothers 2.6

Vitamin B 12 is found only in animal sources such as beef and beef liver, clams, flounder, herring, liverwurst, mackerel, sardines, blue and Swiss cheese, eggs, and milk. Strict vegetarians must therefore take a B 12 supplement such as nutritional yeast. Large amounts of folic acid can mask a B 12 deficiency, and large doses of vitamin C are known to increase the need for B 12 . B 12 requires absorption of a special protein that some individuals are unable to produce, necessitating B 12 injections.

There have been few studies of how vitamin B 12 therapies might aid in preventing certain chronic diseases. However, research has shown that when schizophrenics with low vitamin B 12 levels are given B 12 supplements, their symptoms improve, according to an article by E. Reynold in the British Journal of Psychiatry in March 1970. Vitamin B l2 , along with several other nutrients and plant compounds, has also been used in therapeutic trials to rebuild weak immune systems.

Although B 12 deficiency is less prevalent in psychiatric patients than that of folic acid deficiency, determining B 12 levels in the blood is considered a useful screening measure for psychiatric patients. Patients with severe mania and psychosis secondary to B 12 deficiency have had complete remission after B 12 supplementation, E. Reynold reported. An improvement is usually noted within four to seven days with virtually no side effects.

Vitamin B 12 has other uses as well. In one study of military personnel, more than half of the subjects with tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and noise-induced hearing loss were found to be deficient in vitamin B 12 . And a small study of asthmatic children sensitive to sulfites found that vitamin B 12 was 80% effecive in preventing asthmatic attacks.

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