Vitamin, Mineral, and Botanical Treatments for Alcoholism - Drug Abuse and Addiction

Vitamin, Mineral, and Botanical Treatments for Alcoholism

Zinc.     Zinc supplementation, combined with vitamin C, greatly increases alcohol detoxification.

Vitamin A.     Vitamin A deficiency, along with zinc deficiency, appears to be linked to alcoholism. Vitamin A supplementation inhibits alcohol consumption in experimental animals.

Amino Acids. Serum amino acid levels are abnormal in alcoholics, and restoration to normal levels generally helps alcoholic patients.

Vitamin C. Supplemental vitamin C helps reduce the effects of acute and chronic ethanol toxicity. Vitamin C increases white blood cell count, helps eliminate alcohol from the blood, and detoxifies the liver.

B Vitamins. Most alcoholics have a vitamin B deficiency. B vitamin supplements, especially thiamine (B 2 ), may be helpful.

Selenium. Selenium, an important antioxidant, works synergistically with vitamin E to prevent alcohol-induced lipoperoxidation.

Fats. Alcohol induces essential fatty acid deficiency, particularly of the omega-6 series. Omega-8 supplements may be helpful.

Glutamine. Glutamine supplementation has been shown to reduce voluntary alcohol consumption in several studies.

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