Earaches - Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders


Earaches are common in young children, and are usually caused by an infection spreading from the nose or throat, or by sinusitis. Fever and partial loss of hearing usually accompany earaches. Earaches can also be a symptom of dental decay, teething in a young child, or an abscess or boil in the ear canal. Earaches in adults often precede the onset of mumps, which can be serious. If the pain is very severe and there is neck stiffness and elevated temperature, it is important to consult a doctor.

Emergency Treatments for Ear Infections

To relieve outer ear canal infections:

  1. Place a few drops of an equal mixture of white vinegar and 70% isopropyl alcohol in the ears several times daily. Apply the drops by tilting the head so that the liquid stays in the canal for 30 seconds.
  2. Apply a few drops of full-strength echinacea concentrate or tincture, and gently flush with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solutions.

To relieve middle ear infections:

  1. Yawn. Yawning exercises the muscle that opens the tube at the back of the throat.
  2. Chew gum. This helps some people open the eustachian tube.
  3. Drink plenty of warm chamomile or yarrow tea. Extra liquids help thin ear secretions and promote drainage.
  4. Massage. Massage the ear around the outer ear. Try pulling gently down on the earlobe, stroking the neck, and rubbing the temples–this encourages drainage and increases blood circulation in the inner ear.
  5. Massage the outer ear with three to five drops of eucalyptus or lavender essence diluted in a teaspoon of olive or other vegetable oil.

To relieve inner ear earaches:

  1. Botanical medicine. Put 5–10 drops of mullein oil into the ear every two to three hours. Mullein's active ingredients include mucilage and aucubin, hich soothe irritated mucous membranes. Or place a few drops of garlic oil directly in the ear every two hours.
  2. Homeopathy. Take an appropriate homeopathic remedy to relieve ear infections. The remedies most commonly recommend by homeopaths include:
    • Pulsatilla. This is an effective remedy for earaches caused by colds.
    • Belladonna. This remedy is used for throbbing or piercing ear pain which occurs during a high fever when the ear canal or drum is red.
    • Chamomilla. This is helpful, especially for children who are in great pain and oversensitive to touch.
    • Aconite. This is used at the onset of an earache, when the outer ear is hot and painful and the patient is sensitive to noise.
  3. Acupressure. Use your index and middle fingers to press in on both sides in the hollow, sensitive area in the back of the jawbone. Complement these point massages with gentle stroking of the neck and temple.
  4. Yoga. The plow and shoulder stand yoga positions increase circulation in the ears, benefit hearing, and can relieve some types of earaches.

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