Nasal Polyps - Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders

Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are swollen sinus tissues that protrude into the nasal cavity. Polyps occur either singly or in grape-like clusters, and are usually caused by allergies. They can easily be removed by surgery, although the best treatment is to eliminate the allergens or bacteria which cause them, because polyps often reappear after being surgically removed.

Nutritional Therapies.     According to Balch and Balch, a diet which enhances the immune system is important, and animal fats should be reduced. As with all infections, the diet should include green vegetables and fiber, and exclude fried and highly processed foods, caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol.

Vitamin and Minerals.     Vitamin C has proved helpful for eliminating cervical polyps and may help relieve nasal polyps. Vitamin A, betacarotene, and calcium are also recommended by Balch and Balch. Vitamin E may be effective as well because the mucus membrane linings are more vulnerable to damage when a person has a vitamin E deficiency.

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