Sore Throats - Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders

Sore Throats

According to Murray and Pizzorno, 90% of sore throats in adults are caused by viruses which are not serious, and they normally heal within two to three days. The other 10% are “strep throats” caused by streptococcal bacteria. Strep throats are more common in children than adults and produce a variety of symptoms including throat pain, fever, muscle aches, swollen lymph glands in the neck, and chills. Strep throats require immediate treatment because they can lead to kidney disease, rheumatic fever, and heart complications.

Vitamin and Mineral Therapies.     The holistic treatment for sore throats employs diet, vitamins, and botanical medicines to treat the early stages of viral or bacterial infection. Patients with symptoms should increase their fluid intake, including filtered water, hot herbal teas, diluted fruit juices, and broths. One effective remedy is drinking warm water mixed with powdered vitamin C, along with lemon and honey. In addition, vitamin C-rich foods (especially orange juice), along with vitamin A and bioflavonoids, betacarotene supplements, and zinc lozenges have proven effective in uncontrolled clinical trials.

Botanical Medicines.     According to Murray and Pizzorno, goldenseal and Echinacea angustifolia are natural antibiotics which prevent the spread of streptococcal bacteria. Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide suggests several other botanical therapies to treat infection, including osha root ( Ligusticum porteri ), infusions of lavender or hyssop, and slippery elm, and ginger tea.

Homeopathic Therapies.     Dr. Stephen Cummings and Dana Ullman, in Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicine , list the following homeopathic remedies for sore throats: lachesis , Ignatia, Arnica , Aconite, Hydrastis , Gelsemium , Merc. sol. , and Phytolacca. They stress that homeopathic treatments must be individualized and that a licensed homeopath should be consulted.

Hydrotherapy.     Heating compresses can provide relief and reduce swelling caused by infection. A warm, wet face cloth covered with a wool sock can be applied directly to the throat. Gargling several times a day with water and salt, or apple cider vinegar mixed with hot water, salt, lemon juice, and honey can also provide relief.

Antibiotics.     Antibiotics such as penicillin, should only be given to patients who do not respond to natural holistic treatments. The danger of prolonged penicillin use is that the streptococcal bacteria develops a tolerance to it. In addition, penicillin fails in approximately 20% of cases to eliminate the streptococci. In all cases of sore throat, any treatment must eliminate the virus or bacteria by restrengthening the immune system through rest and drinking large amounts of fluids.

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